DJ & Alicia Tool
DJ & Alicia Tool

- Community-based services in the least restrictive setting allowed by the court
- A nonpartisan stance with the court system and an informed understanding of the basis of competency
- Individualized and integrated services specific to each youth
- Time-sensitive provision of services with regular review by the court
- Developmentally and culturally appropriate services
- Relationship-based and dyadic in nature
- Consistent training and ongoing supervision for juvenile forensic evaluators and Restoration Counselors
- Dose-sensitive to the needs of each youth in terms of multiple sessions each week
- Data-driven and empirically-based
The Restoring YouthTM (RY) in the Community Program has 40 flashcards, available in both English and Spanish, that review the major legal concepts identified in the DJ and Alicia Going to Court program. These can be used to create integrated learning sessions that combine a chapter-based use of the CD, the applicable flash cards, and other learning approaches for a specific legal construct. To the left are two different flashcards to illustrate some of the different images and characters as they are used throughout the programming.
The flashcards are used to prompt review of the constructs conveyed in DJ and Alicia and to provide a platform for the Restoration Counselor to review the relevance of each construct to the juvenile's particular situation. This process is central to ensuring that the remediation process encompasses both a rational as well as a factual understanding of the legal dynamics relevant to the court proceedings facing the juvenile.

DJ and Alicia is a 24-chapter interactive educational program that uses a narrative format, depicting the experiences of two adolescents who get in trouble with the law. Interwoven in the narrative are relevant legal constructs which are reviewed at the end of each chapter of the program using a simple point and click interface with images conveying the legal content. The program is used by the Restoration Counselor with the juvenile as one avenue by which important legal concepts are introduced, reviewed, and applied to the individual juvenile’s own situation.
Watch a sample video clip of DJ and Alicia below.
These two sides of the same laminated board are often used by the remediation counselor to query the youth about the various participants in the court process and the movement of these individuals through an adjudication or trial.

For more information, please contact Janet I. Warren, DSW, Professor of Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences, Institute of Psychiatry and Public Policy, University of Virginia, [email protected], or 434-924–8305.